So, question 1: You're running an RPG to introduce new players to the RPG hobby this month. Which game and genre do you choose, and why?
Good question. To be honest, the answer should depend a bit on my potential audience and their own interests and background. I mean, if they really want to try D&D, because they've heard about it and no other games, then I'll happily put them through a little dungeon-crawl, probably using 5th edition. If they're into Tolkien, I'd run something with Middle-Earth Adventures (which is terrific). If they're familiar with Dragon Age, I'd be inclined to use it, for rollicking adventure, and if Sci-Fi is their thing, then Far Trek.
On the other hand, there's a new Star Wars film coming out at the end of the month and West End Games' D6 Star Wars is still the greatest intro game ever written. So that.
The winner, and all-time champion! |
I would agree, Star Wars d6.