Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Classic Enemies: Do You Mind?

Tonight, we examine a tale as old as time. A young child of privilege, who, along with his twin sister, is given over to the most dangerous supervillain on the globe, who brainwashes him to total obedience before turning him into the most powerful psionic on the planet.  At 1154 points total, he's a feel-good story for the ages.

I am, of course, talking about Menton (created by George MacDonald). Here we see him in his traditional outfit, which makes him look like a classic "Nordic" extraterrestrial who crash landed in Siegfried and Roy's laundry room.

I kid, I kid...after all, he is an absolute nightmare of a character.  Conditioned from early childhood to be the Destroyer's weapon of the mind, he is all that and more. Menton is one of those perfect examples of the old maxim, "Points are for players."  He's got every conceivable power you could want in a solo villain: high SPD, multiple ranged options, Mental Illusions, Mind Control...he's even a light brick (STR 40) plus he's got Grond STR-level Telekinesis!

In short, there's a reason he's so expensive.  And, because he's psionic, a straight-up fight is probably going to be his last course of action.  Far better to infiltrate a place invisibly, read minds to get what he wants, mind control those who need it, then teleport away undetected.  The dude is straight-up terrifying, even if he does look like a poster child for Raëlism.

Like his sister Mentalla, Menton first appeared in Classic Enemies.  He made the cut to 5th edition, where he got a not unsurprising power-up, but still kept his classic good looks.  When he was adapted to the Champions Online MMO, they took a different tack.  I've never played the game, but visually, I'm not impressed.  You can look it up if you're that curious.

In my games, Menton never featured.  He was so far outside the weight class of the PCs as to be no fun at all.  Also, with all his power -- because of all his power -- he constantly raises the question, "Why hasn't he won?" It leads to the GM having to jump through mental contortions that really take away from the fun.  At least in my experience.  I'm content to have him be part of the horrific background noise.  If I did use him, it would probably be in a role-reversal and have him come to the PCs desperate for their assistance against something he's unable to contend with (though figuring that out is more mental exercise than I'm up for tonight).


  1. Yep I never used this guy for the same reasons, just to off the board powerful. I did entertain the idea of using him as the powerful ruler of a space empire but the game took a different odd direction.
